New! Select your sessions in advance of SummitSession selection begins March 10th, 4 p.m. ET and is first come, first served.

An Overview of the Summit Schedule:

Know Before You Go

Before you depart

1. Get set up in the conference App: The App is your go-to tool to find your way through the Summit, including locating workshops and accessing materials. Note: you must log in using the same email address that you used to register for the conference. 

  • Check your schedule: Select workshops or sessions to attend in each of the session blocks. Use the filters for  Strand and Area of Focus to help you locate options aligned to your interests. There are many exciting options - if you are on a waitlist, consider securing a seat in a session with space! Room capacities are fixed, and session hosts will be helping check people in at each door.

  • Access workshop materials: Download handouts or slides before you arrive.  

  • Please make sure your profile privacy is set to public so you can access the chat. If you’re using the website, you’ll see a chat icon at the top right corner. If you’re using the Sched app, search for your event and look for the chat icon at the bottom right. In both cases, make sure you’re logged in first so the chat feature shows up.

2. What to Bring and Wear:  

  • Business casual attire and comfy shoes so you make it to sessions on time.

  • Sunscreen, sunglasses and/or a hat for moving between sites and for outdoor group lunches

  • Water bottle to stay hydrated

  • Laptop or tablet to stay connected as necessary

On site:

When you arrive

1. Head to registration to pick up your conference badge, T-shirt for “T-shirt Tuesday”, and other key info.
Registration is located in the Registration Area at High Tech Elementary and will open at noon on Sunday, March 30. Registration hours:

Sunday March 30, 12:00 pm-1:45 pm and 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
Monday March 31, 8:00 am-8:45 am
Tuesday April 1, 8:00 am-8:45 am

The Help Desk will also be open any time sessions and Advisories are running. The Help Desks are located at both the High Tech High and High Tech High International entrances near the Commons areas.

2. Program begins at 2 pm with the Community Gathering in the Forum at High Tech Elementary. Please arrive early to find your seat.

Getting around:

  • Summit events will take place across three sites, all within a short walk of each other.

  • See the area map below and the Maps tab for each site.

  • Registration, Community Gatherings, and meals will be at High Tech Elementary (HTe)

  • Workshops, Fireside Chats, Improvement Reviews, and snack breaks will be at High Tech High (HTH) and High Tech High International (HTH I).

  • Mobility support: A golf cart is available to help people who need it to move between sites. Go to the Help Desk at any of the three sites to access the cart, or ask a nearby Pit Crew member (pink shirts) or Host (blue vest).

Build a community at Summit:

  • Advisories are organized around a shared interest or role group. If you missed the email from your advisory leader before arriving, check in at Registration or the Help Desk for directions.

  • Expand your circle by connecting at a topical Networking Lunch Table on Monday.

  • Update your profile with a photo and bio. To make sure others can find and message you, under “My Account” in the app check that your profile is set to “public.” (If you are accessing Sched through a browser, click on the planet at the top right and go to “Settings.”).

  • Help bring our Community Norms to life throughout the Summit:

  • Join in creating a brave space that is safe for learning and growth. Celebrate the work and push on the work. Be candid and curious, even when it is uncomfortable.

  • Treat this space as a reunion and a welcome. If you are a returner, welcome new people in. If you are new, contribute!

  • Center your why and bring your joy. Keep the students and families we serve at the center of all we do.

  • Be bold. Bring your ideas and your energy to our collective work of building the field of improvement today and after.

Other things to know:

  • Water stations are located at each site.

  • Wifi: Network/SSID: HTH-WiFi; Login: hthguest;  Password: goHTH2025!

  • Charging stations will be located in all buildings. There are limited outlets in session rooms

  • Register through the University of San Diego to earn one graduate level extension credit for participating in Summit. Go to https://pce.sandiego.edu and search for course EDC- X767Y-001, or pick up a flyer with directions at registration. 

  • Meal information is available in the schedule in the Sched App.

  • Restaurants and things to do in the area

  • Lost and found is located at Help Desks

  • The Mother's Room is located at High Tech High International. Please see map for location. 

  • Social media: Use #improvementsummit2025 in all of your conference social media.

Learning at Summit:

  • Workshops: Learning experiences to advance our individual and collective knowledge and skill. Learn from colleagues who are:

seeing results.  We will showcase stories from a diverse set of improvers who are making a significant impact on student lives and on educational systems at the classroom, school, system, or network level (Improvement for Impact strand)

strengthening improvement practice across the education sector. We will learn the ways we are enlivening and advancing the field of improvement to grow and sustain our movement into the future (Leadership and Field building strand) 

leading the way with improvement methods. At the core of the methods session experience is an opportunity to deeply engage with a concept, tool, or practice and to apply the insights gained from this engagement to your own context. (Methods for improvement strand)

  • Fireside Chats: Opportunities for attendees to hear and engage in deep conversations on issues that matter to improvers. No slide decks, just real talk. These chats are places for attendees to connect with luminaries, hear transformative stories, and ask questions. This is not a panel, but a free-flowing conversation where a pair of educational leaders interview one another and pursue their wonderings together.

  • Improvement Reviews: A powerful routine where improvement teams reflect on their data and learning, share a dilemma, and receive feedback from experts who can provide a fresh perspective and push. Come join this fish bowl-style session to experience this routine, learn more about a team’s work, and glean insights to inform your own improvement efforts.

  • Community Gatherings: space to celebrate, imagine and muse about what our movement most needs now and the actions we plan to take, together.

  • Community Advisories: Intentional small-by-design sessions to connect with a group of kindred improvers through the three days of the conference, process experiences from Summit, and discuss, envision, plan, and act toward the future.

Please view our FAQs for answers to questions you might have regarding Summit. 

Questions? Feel free to contact us at summitspring2025@carnegiefoundation.org

See you at 2150 Cushing Rd., San Diego, CA 92106! 

National Summit on Improvement in Education 2025
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