Gail is passionate about California MTSS and Equity work. In 2015, when California launched the Scale Up MTSS Statewide (SUMS) Initiative, Gail was the Region 9 and SD County Lead. She supported Local Educational Agencies (Districts/Charters) in developing district-wide systems and structures that ensure increase of opportunities in effective teaching and learning, especially with a focus on students with disabilities. Gail also supports SDCOE’s MTSS District Leadership Team (DLT) and School Leadership Team (SLT) professional learning services. In February 2021, Gail co-lead with a team of SDCOE leaders the launch of the MTSS Academic Breakthrough Collaborative, modeled after IHI. In September 2024, that service wasn’t redesigned to the Inclusive Education Network (IEN) is modeled after Carnegie’s version of IS. As part of her work in the county, Gail is a coach for the county’s Clear Administrative Services Credential (CASC) program. She has coached district office and school administrators/directors in building understanding and habits of mind about key elements of leadership and leadership actions based on the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSELs). She provides professional learning, support, and coaching to school and district leaders in building a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI) and Universal Design for Learning. Prior to SDCOE, Gail worked for San Diego Unified providing support to Elementary and Middle school teams, principals, and families in implementing structures for Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) and inclusive settings, the IEP process and compliance to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). She was a liaison between - up to 28 - school sites and the central office. She provided professional learning for gen. educ. and special educ. teachers; supported facilitation of district wide school team professional learning (i.e. Special Education Summer Institute 2010, Reading Symposium 2010) focused on transforming school special education services to a more inclusive setting; participated and worked with CDE in the California Modified Assessment ELA Standard Setting; and participated in SDCOE’s 2009-2010 Special Educ. Leaders Academy for Aspiring and New Administrators. Gail has been in public education as a teacher and administrator for the last 27 years. She has also worked in Non-Public schools and group homes. Currently, Gail is in the Ed. D. program at San Diego State University. She is a military kid who moved frequently and an English learner. Those experiences provided her with a unique experience that allows her to be able to relate with English Learners, especially the process of acquiring a new language. Gail is very passionate about instruction and leadership work that provide access and opportunities for Students with Disabilities (SWD) to become independent, productive, and happy adults. When not working, Gail likes to travel - domestic and international. She also likes to do DIY work on her house, exercise, listen to music, go to concerts and plays.