Organizations using improvement science to guide change efforts often look to improvement coaches to support their work. Coaching can be essential to build individual and team capabilities and support progress towards an improvement goal, but there are few resources that describe this nuanced work. In this session, four categories of common improvement coaching dilemmas will be introduced, as well as ways to explore them and identify potential actions to take. Participants will engage in a scenario-based simulation to practice responding to challenges that routinely arise during coaching, and also articulate and reflect on a challenge from their own practice.
Senior Associate Networked Improvement Science, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Edit Khachatryan is a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Foundation, supporting system transformation work through improvement science.
Edit is an improvement facilitator, researcher, and educator with a mission to create lasting educational improvements by facilitating, strengthening... Read More →
MD Network Improvement Science, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Barbara Shreve serves as managing director of the Networked Improvement Science team at the Carnegie Foundation. In this role, she leads strategy to advance access to and use of improvement science to address challenges in education and enable system transformation. As a senior associate... Read More →